Area: 505,370 sq km (194.98 sq mi) Population Density: 94.46 sq km (2014) Population – Capital (Madrid): 6,113,000 (estimate 2014). Population – entire country: 47,737,941 (estimate 2014) Currency: Euro (€) 1 EUR = 1.14 USD $1 USD = 0.88...
Germany History and Background from Brooke!
Quick Facts: Area: 221,843 square miles Population: 80,996,685 Population Density: 226.87 per square kilometer Capital: Berlin (population: 3,547,000) Currency: Euro (1 euro = 1.14 USD) Government: Federal Republic – Head of Gov’t is Angela Merkel; Head of State –...
Russian Photo Blog (St. Petersburg)
Day One: Yes, that is snow on the rooftops. Bbbbrrrrrr: Hermitage Museum and Winter Palace: Peter/Pauls Cathedral and Hare Island: A fun boat ride through the canals and rivers of St. Petersburg: Day Two: The Peterhof Palace or...
Colorful Cultural Cool St. Petersburg
Brookie’s blog, with a little assist from Brad (dadd-o), and actually spans activities over a few days. Today we explored the very “European” and beautiful city of St. Petersburg by car, foot and boat! After the train ride through...
St. Petersburg Touring – Palaces, Cathedrals, Gardens and Ballet
Today, we explored many churches and palaces in St. Petersburg. We began our day exploring the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace was made by Peter the Great in 1714. The palace was then enlarged by Catherine II, Catherine the...
Exploring The Kremlin and Red Square
Today we went to The Kremlin, Red Square, and The Armory. It was our first day of touring in Moscow and I felt really happy! I was happy because we saw many landmarks and exhibits that I’ve heard about...
Exploring Moscow and Meeting a Cosmonaut!
Today, we visited the Russia Museum of Cosmonauts. A Cosmonaut is a Russian Astronaut. When we walked in, we could see many models of Soviet spaceships and satellites. We got a special behind the scenes private tour from a...
Russian History and Overview
Tsar Putin 🙂 Here are some facts I learned about Russia: Area 17,098,242 sq km (10,624,000 sq miles). Population 142,470,272 (estimate 2014). Population Density 8.3 per sq km (2014). Capital Moscow Moscow Population 12,063,000 (estimate 2014). Currency Ruble $1 USD = 62 RUB Geography...